Client Rights
At Gem City Behavioral Health, we prioritize transparency and client rights as fundamental pillars of our practice. We believe that open communication fosters trust and empowers our clients to make informed decisions about their care. By ensuring that our clients fully understand their rights and the services available to them we create a supportive environment that promotes healing and growth. Our commitment to transparency helps us build lasting relationships with our clients, they feel valued and respected throughout their journey with us.
Legal and Civil Rights:
Clients retain all rights unless restricted through legal due process.
The right to live in their community and be free from undue restraint.
Services provided with respect for personal dignity, autonomy, and privacy.
Respect and Dignity:
Services reflect individual strengths and preferences.
Rights are explained at intake and reviewed periodically in clear terms.
Treatment in the Least Restrictive Environment:
Restraint or seclusion is used only when absolutely necessary to prevent immediate harm.
The right to be free from unnecessary medications.
Services are provided without discrimination based on any individual characteristic protected by law.
The right not to be discriminated against for receiving services on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap, developmental disability, genetic information, HIV status, or any manner prohibited by local, state, or federal laws.
Privacy and Confidentiality:
Information is protected under HIPAA standards.
Communications and service delivery uphold confidentiality and privacy.
Informed Consent:
Clients receive detailed explanations of the services, including risks, benefits, and alternatives. Consent is obtained before services are provided.
The right to be informed of one's own condition.
The right to be informed of the reason for denial of a service.
The right to be informed a reasonable amount of time in advance of the reason for terminating participation in a service, and to be provided a referral, unless the service is unavailable or not necessary.
Participation in Treatment:
Clients have the right and responsibility to participate actively in their treatment planning and decision-making.
The right to participate in the development, review, and revision of one's own individualized treatment plan and receive a copy of it.
The right to participate in any appropriate and available service that is consistent with an individual service plan (ISP), regardless of the refusal of any other service, unless that service is a necessity for clear treatment reasons and requires the person's participation.
Access to Records:
Clients can review their records within a reasonable timeframe and receive assistance to understand their contents.
The right to have access to one's own client record unless access is restricted for clear treatment reasons. If access is restricted, the treatment plan shall include the reason for the restriction, a goal to remove the restriction, and the treatment being offered to remove the restriction.
Right to Refuse or Withdraw Consent:
Competent clients can refuse treatment except in emergencies or as required by law.
The right to give informed consent to or to refuse any service, treatment, or therapy, including medication, absent an emergency.
The right to refuse any unusual or hazardous treatment procedures.
Grievances and Appeals:
Clear, accessible procedures to file complaints or grievances without fear of retaliation.
Services and facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities, including provision for communication aids and services.
The right to know the cost of services.
Freedom from Retaliation, Neglect, Exploitation, and Humiliation:
Clients have the right to receive services free from retaliation, neglect, financial or other exploitation, and humiliation.
The right to reasonable protection from physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, and inhumane treatment.
Observation and Privacy:
Clients can refuse observation or recording, except in specific cases like seclusion room monitoring.
Consultation and Independent Services:
The right to consult with an independent treatment specialist or legal counsel at one's own expense.
Client Exceptions:
Each client has all of the above rights except for clients receiving forensic evaluation services as defined in rule 5122-29-07 of the Administrative Code from a certified forensic center, or attending a driver intervention program as defined in rule 5122-29-12 of the Administrative Code.